Your support makes the difference


Please support the Tierschutzverein Zug with your donation.

The Tierschutzverein Zug is a non-profit institution. It is completely dependent on the support of private citizens and the business community of Zug. Your financial contribution can help to care for and protect the animals of Canton Zug. Every donation counts and benefits our animals!

  • Raiffeisenbank Cham
    IBAN: CH09 8080 8005 4449 7272 2

  • PostFinance
    IBAN: CH52 0900 0000 6001 2453 3

Support us here


Please support our cost-intensive work with your club membership.

For only CHF 20 per year you can show your solidarity! Comprehensive animal protection includes not only a wide range of information and counselling activities, but also the admission, care and placement of strays and reunification of lost animals with their owners. The Tierschutzverein Zug finances both the animal shelter in Allenwinden and the dog shelter in Neuheim primarily through your donations.

For as little as 20 francs per year, you can become a member of the Tierschutzverein Zug. The board is most grateful for your help.

Support us here


Please support all homeless animals in our shelter with your sponsorship.

Homeless pets should not have to be put to sleep if they are not ill or severely disturbed. The Tierschutzverein Zug therefore cares for them until a new home can be found, no matter how long this might take. In particular older animals or those with a difficult history are not easily placed and often remain in our shelter for a long time. Their care incurs considerable costs.

It is the weakest of our guests that benefit most from our care and your support.

Support us here


Please consider supporting the Tierschutzverein Zug with a legacy donation.

For all of us, the question will arise, what happens after we pass away. Many animal lovers want to do something to benefit animals, even if they do not or no longer have a pet.

With your bequest, you can actively support our daily commitment to animal welfare and remain connected to our association. If this is something you would like to do, you can either name the Tierschutzverein Zug as an heir or set aside monetary or material assets as a legacy. Should you have a project or purpose that is close to your heart, you can specify how you want your gift to be used.

The Tierschutzverein Zug has been actively committed to animal welfare for over 70 years. Our commitment is a matter of the heart and is made possible above all by financial donations by people with a love for animals.

For a personal, confidential and non-binding discussion, the TSV Zug Board of Directors is available at your convenience, a detailed description (German) can be found here:

Vorsorge für Tiere – Ein Testamentsratgeber für Tierfreunde